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About me

My name is Rustam, a driven and versatile individual with a background in teaching Computer Science and a strong foothold in the world of software engineering. My journey in the tech industry began with a passion for computer programming, which eventually led me to pursue a career that combines both education and cutting-edge software development.

  • Full Name : Rustam Karimov
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  • LinkedIn : profile
in the classroom
in the classroom

I started my professional journey as an educator, sharing my enthusiasm for Computer Science with aspiring learners. Teaching has always been a rewarding experience for me. Guiding students, breaking down complex topics into understandable pieces, and witnessing their growth as they developed programming skills brought me immense joy and fulfillment. My time as a Computer Science instructor laid the foundation for my future endeavors in the tech world.

Beyond my work at UBS, I remain dedicated to nurturing the next generation of developers. I firmly believe that education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology. My teaching experience has instilled in me a passion for sharing knowledge and inspiring others to embark on their own tech journeys.

in the classroom
in the classroom

Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to apply my skills in real-world scenarios, I transitioned into the role of a Software Engineer. Joining the esteemed team at UBS has been a significant milestone in my career. As a Python-based Software Engineer, I actively contribute to developing sophisticated solutions that empower the finance industry.


Through my role in education and software engineering, I've likely developed strong leadership skills. Guiding students and collaborating with colleagues on complex software projects requires effective communication, problem-solving, and decision-making.


The tech industry is known for its rapid changes, and as someone who transitioned from teaching to software engineering, I've demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt to new challenges and environments.

Passion for Python

As a Python-based Software Engineer at UBS, my expertise in this versatile programming language is invaluable. Python is widely used in finance, data analysis, and various other domains, making my contributions highly impactful.

Curriculum Vitae:

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